Full Saltwater set up ($750 obo - I'd like to sell everything together. Will consider piece by piece at a later time. 90 Gallons tank and stand in perfect working conditions. Seals are in excellent shape. Comes with: - Eshopps R-200 3rd generation refugium ($450 new) - 2 x 7” filter bag - IM ChaetoMax LED light - Euro-Reef skimmer - Return pump - Aqueon Pro 250 heater - 1 Hydor Koralia circulation wave pump - Hydor Koralia smart wave controller - Duetto Auto top-off. I have two set of lights. The one in the picture is a MicMol, 48" to 60" LED light. Check Amazon for specs. I also have a Coralife Metal halide standard with 2 ballasts. I bought it with the tank years ago, never used it. It will need new fluorescents. I tested the metal halide a while back and they worked then. I have a tote full of rocks that were in the tank when I ran it (they may need to be cured) and lots of plumbing to rig everything. I also have some marine cubes to help seed the refugium with copepods. I ran the return and skimmer pumps with fresh water after taking everything down. Need gone, located in Campbell River. Message me for more details.